INESCOP ha recibido, por parte de la Generalitat Valencia, el sello “Fent Empresa. Iguals en Oportunitats” que acredita la elaboración de un Plan de Igualdad a través del cual se garantiza la eliminación de cualquier discriminación en materia laboral por cuestión de género.
Los alumnos del curso de experto en calzado de la UA reciben dos clases magistrales
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Los alumnos del curso de "Experto en nuevas tecnologías y control de la calidad aplicable al sector del calzado" de la Universidad de Alicante reciben dos clases magistrales sobre sostenibilidad e innovación y visitan una fábrica de calzado en Elda.
INESCOP signs a Collaboration Agreement with UMH of Elche
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INESCOP and Miguel Hernández University (UMH) of Elche have signed a framework collaboration agreement to conduct research and technological development, educational and cultural activities.
Europe works on new learning methods in order to meet the sector’s needs
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New learning methods to create scientifically-led more sustainable and comfortable footwear and the adaptation of the footwear industry to the current consumer demands are the main goals of the Erasmus+ SciLED project that was recently launched at its kick-off meeting in Iasi, Romania.
The Mexican Tecnológico de Monterrey (Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education) visits Inescop
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On 18th February, we received the visit of Dr. Ricardo A. Ramirez-Mendoza, Dean of Research of the Engineering and Science School of Tecnológico de Monterrey, accompanied by Mr. Javier Poves, his delegate in Spain.
INESCOP e ITENE han organizado una jornada formativa para el próximo 15 de mayo en Elche sobre el packaging para la venta online, requisitos técnicos y experiencia del consumidor.
INESCOP submits 10 regional projects to promote footwear innovation
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INESCOP has submitted 10 regional projects to be developed throughout 2019. These projects prove its commitment to research and digitalisation, sustainability and advanced materials development to promote innovation among Valencian Region’s footwear companies. This commitment reveals the technological centre’s great work of transferring knowledge and turning it into opportunities for companies, particularly footwear firms, in the process of digital and sustainable transformation.
Technical experts in the standardisation of leather gathered in Milan
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Leather technical experts gathered in Milan to attend the meeting of the CEN/TC 289 Technical Committee for Standardisation, and to deal with different issues related to standards applied to chemical, physical and fastness tests, as well as leather goods’ terminology and labelling.
University of Alicante Master’s Degree in Footwear begins in INESCOP
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The first edition of University of Alicante Master’s Degree in Footwear Design, New Technologies and Innovation Management began on 22nd February in INESCOP’s facilities. The Master’s Degree started with a subject called ‘Foot, last and footwear’, which are keys to footwear design and manufacture. The training pathway of the master’s degree comprises a University Expert Degree Course, a University Specialist Degree Course and a Master’s Final Dissertation.
TCLF sectors gather in Porto to discuss up-skilling and re-skilling
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Representatives from the Textile, Clothing, Leather, and Footwear (TCLF) sectors have gathered in Porto, Portugal, driven by the difficulty of finding new talent with the right skills for companies, in order to attend the event "Fashion World's Challenges - Looking for Qualification, Occupations… and the right skills in the TCLF sectors" organised by the Erasmus+ Skills4Smart TCLF 2030 project, in which INESCOP participates as a partner.