'Leading innovation in the footwear sector’
INESCOP is a Centre for Technology and Innovation, founded in 1971 as a private and non-profit making association. With more than 45 years of experience, the Institute works to provide technology services, transfer knowledge and conduct research on general relevant topics for the footwear sector.
Our LEIT MOTIV is to promote innovation within the footwear sector by providing solutions to technical and scientific needs of companies.
To be the strategic ally of footwear and related companies by providing solutions, knowledge and innovative technologies in order to improve their competitiveness
Our aim is to become the national and international frame of reference in innovation for the footwear sector through solutions that improve the health of people and the planet

We generate new working methodologies, materials, products and services, we create new processes to provide value and efficiency that improve companies' performance.
We are able to meet the needs of our clients through high standards of technical quality, committment and dedication.
We work hand in hand with our clients, in an atmosphere of transparency, close relationship and integrity, which allows us to build mutual trust.
We are able to make the difference through our products and services with a high degree of quality and excellence at all levels.
We adapt to the needs of every client in order to provide customised and tailored solutions.

We are leaders in:
- Quality management
- Research on adhesives
- Software development for footwear

We have more than 400 member companies and
1,000 clients per year.

The companies’ support is ensured by the facilities and equipment that we own, but especially by our staff made up of 100 highly-skilled professionals, 19 of them being PhDs.

INESCOP belongs to ...
The Spanish Federation of Technology Centres (FEDIT), the Valencian Network of Technology Institutes (REDIT), as well as to a large number of entities and associations. Likewise, the Centre has signed agreements with other national and international bodies.