Leather Goods Integrated Action - Innovative Training for the Leather Goods sector across Europe



The LEIA project will introduce completely innovative learning methods, such as training materials based on augmented reality, in a traditional sector such as the leather goods industry.

The project envisages to design, develop and pilot a new profile and training opportunities through online and work-based learning. This training will be combined with mobility actions for trainers and learners in line with the actual needs of companies.

The project will boost the upskilling of the sector's workforce, promote the entrepreneurship of young designers and the development of a new generation of highly skilled leather goods manufacturers. To strengthen the manufacture of high quality leather goods across Europe, this new profile will focus on high-end products.


  • To update the already existing qualification profiles in the leather goods sector.
  • To design, develop and pilot an innovative and flexible ICT based training, combined with work-based training and mobilities, in line with current business needs.
  • To promote the entrepreneurship of new talented designers and the development of a new generation of high-skilled leather goods manufacturers oriented to high-end products.
Foto Leia Erasmus

expected results

  • An updated profile and training curriculum.
  • A package of pedagogical material delivered through advanced learning technologies such as augmented reality and immersive tutorials.
  • A package dedicated to the preparation of trainers, tutors and coaches which includes a manual and an exchanging training/learning activity.
  • A multi-level piloting of the training solution, completed with a transnational 10 working days training/learning activity for VET learners and newcomer workers of the companies involved.
  • A set of workshops in each country involved, as well as a conference in MICAM/MIPEL in Milan.

Visit the LEIA project website








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