Innovative training for footwear manufacture (2014-1-PT01-K202-000952)

HIGH-END-SHOE project is focused on the development of a professional profile with the specific skills and competences to ensure Europe’s position as a world supplier of high-end footwear.
Footwear and leather goods include a variety of specialised products, for instance, sports footwear, safety footwear or footwear for professional use; and finally, luxury products, which are exclusive and unique. They are much more than high quality goods and meet the needs of to the most exclusive market niches of all over the world.
Consumers from around the world recognise Europe as the reference of luxury footwear manufacturing. The luxury segment in Europe is represented by SMEs, small businesses and successful designers with specific business skills to develop and manufacture footwear, who select and evaluate every component and provide their exclusiveness and how-know.
Nowadays, high-end footwear manufacturing companies have to face, not only the challenge of engaging young generations into footwear manufacture, but also that of searching for suitable candidates with the right skills and competences for production of exclusive and innovative footwear.
- To ensure and strengthen luxury footwear production in Europe
- To promote entrepreneurship of new generations of luxury footwear designers and manufacturers
- To develop specific vocational education training based on the model proposed by the European Union
- Creation of a professional profile of a Luxury Footwear Manufacturing Technician
- Design and creation of an online and on-site blended course (b-learning modality) on luxury footwear manufacture
- Increase of competences in the field of luxury footwear manufacture for students, designers, technicians of footwear companies and entrepreneurs
Visit the HIGH-END-SHOE website here